In accordance with the provisions of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, users of the site are informed of the identity of the various parties involved in its creation and monitoring.

Edition du site 

This website, accessible at the URL (the “Website”), is published by:

Minilab Supply sarl
1751 avenue de Genève
C.C. Carrefour
74700 Sallanches
SIREN 879272647
RCS Annecy
TVA FR43 879273647


The Site is hosted by the company:

Celeonet Paris
70 rue Berthie Albrecht
94400 Vitry-sur-Seine

SIREN : 450734744
N° CNIL du site : 1003729

Operation Mangager

The Director of Publication of the Website is Minilab Supply sarl

Contact us

The Operator can be contacted using the contact form on the website

Information regarding online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 Para. 1 of the ODR (Online Dispute Resolution Regulation):

The European Commission gives consumers the opportunity to resolve online disputes pursuant to Art. 14 Para. 1 of the ODR on one of their platforms. The platform ( serves as a site where consumers can try to reach out-of-court settlements of disputes arising from online purchases and contracts for services.